The step-by-step process you'll learn in Assignment Prospecting will help you generate sales leads and gain trust at a much faster rate. You'll learn exactly how to craft the type of emails that get opened and will have you sticking out from the competition and get a response--guaranteed.

Assignment Prospecting defined.

Assignment Prospecting is a methodology that teaches during the prospecting stage of the sales process to send one-to-one emails that contain actionable, educational content: written, audio, or video.

Prospecting, up until now, has been a mystery shrouded in buzzwords like "sales enablement", "account based marketing", and "content marketing."

Well, this article was written here to change all of that. I'm going to expose the ultimate email prospecting strategy without all the techie jargon.

3 problems with sales prospecting emails

So here's the problem with the 1st stage of the sales process; sending prospecting email makes it all about you.

But with Assignment Prospecting, it's all about the prospect.

Avoid these outcomes:

  • low email open rate

  • being unclear about "why" you sent the email

  • not having one a clear "next step"

Subject lines matter. Everyone knows that.  Why should you care about your subject line?

Well, if you want people to read the email and actually take action, it's pretty important: If a subscriber doesn't open your email, they won't see anything else, including any links or calls to action that are in the body of your email.

The tone of your subject line can help you avoid mistakes other marketers make with their emails and can tell subscribers what's in it for them when they do open it.

When done properly Assignment Prospecting will clearly define the next steps for each prospect.

4 Components of an Assignment Prospecting email.

An Assignment Prospecting email includes a few vital features to convince potential clients to consider your offer of help.

A personalized subject line: The answer is in the content you create and that's where you start first.

A great first sentence that agrees with (or relates to) the subject line is the second component.

And a personalized one-to-one video message with an animated thumbnail is the third that helps improve open rates.

But what about the body of the message? What should it include?

The fourth component is to have a clear call-to-action directing the recipient of the email to an education piece of content located in your website's "Learning" section.

Assignment Prospecting does not try hard.

The Assignment Prospecting emails that do best are not trying hard.

They're relevant and well-timed, with just the right amount of information to pique the recipient's interest in your solution to their problem and give them the information - enough information to move forward - without bombarding them with mundane details that just get in the way.

The purpose of an Assignment Prospecting email is to get people to take action on an assignment or "homework" that you would like them to educate themselves about regarding your business.

Assignment Prospecting emails are effective because they tend to be genuinely helpful and provide solutions to your clients’ needs.

If you need help…

Schedule a strategy session with Brand You to see how we can help you bring your Digital Strategy to life in your business.