
These days, your website functions as a digital storefront for your business.

Much like a traditional storefront, today's goal is to attract visitors to your website and encourage them to take action to choose your product or service while at the same time tracking measurable activity and traffic of your website visitors.

A website by itself should not be a checkbox on a new business launch list. But, rather the first step in expanding your Digital Strategy with your family, friends, and audience you already have in place.

If you want to conduct meaningful business on your website, then you need to offer something of value that is not available anywhere else. You must be focused on conceptualizing and producing a website that will deliver a measurable return on investment with this very first step of your Digital Strategy.   

Read: Digital Strategy Starts with Your Website: 5 Key Components of a Perfect Website

One of the best ways to do this is to take a step back and implement "The Digital Offer Sprint".

Imagine the following: you have been working on a new product, service or solution for months or even years.

You have analyzed hundreds of unique factors, crafted a unique positioning statement, reviewed key message opportunities and focused on the very first dollar you can make in your customer’s  journey.

Yet, when it comes time to write the initial draft of your website’s language, you find yourself struggling to capture all you had hoped in just one paragraph — let alone the homepage of your website.

Don‘t get frustrated just yet — The Digital Offer Sprint solves this Digital Strategy problem and many others. Learn how to compress months of effort into 14 days… and begin communicating by answering the questions your family, friends, and audience have from day one!

BrandYou.Website wants to guide you through the purpose of your website when it comes to making Digital Offers and walk you through the Content Strategy that follows after launching your website.

What is a Design Sprint? And, Why Use it?

The Design Sprint has been cited in over ten thousand news articles, white papers, and blog posts. It's helped launch multiple new businesses and products, and it's being used by organizations like Google Ventures, Visa, Target, Comcast, Yahoo!, Facebook, and Netflix.

The original Design Sprint was invented at Google by Jake Knapp. Perfected with John Zeratsky and the Google Ventures design team. Its original version is a 5 day process designed to help you find solutions to your biggest product design problems.

Its goal is simple: identify the riskiest parts of your business and build a prototype that will reduce that risk and help you succeed.

The Sprint gives you the tools to achieve your goals in record time, with minimal investment and maximum impact. This Design Sprint framework walks you through each aspect of the process and offers best practices for dealing with common challenges.

BrandYou.Website has future-proofed this concept specific to business's and organization's needs for Marketing Automation.

The result is what we call The Digital Offer Sprint.

STEP ONE: Your Website + Your Brand Messaging

Go! Sites: Mobile-First Responsive Web Design

As devices become more powerful and less expensive, the number of devices our potential customers have has grown. Today, people may use a desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, and television to access your website. That’s why it’s more important than ever that you build your website using Responsive Web Design.

Responsive Web Design is about making a website look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones). In order for a website to be considered “responsive” it needs to be capable of adjusting itself to fit any screen size (without requiring the user to pinch or zoom).

Nerd Talk: Responsive Web Design is about using HTML, CSS and other computer programming languages to automatically resize a website without a user’s device adjustments.

There are over 85% of smartphone owners who access the Internet solely via their handheld devices.  These statistics show that you can't afford not to be mobile friendly!  

BrandYou.Website's Go! Sites make sure that everything we build is optimized for the growing number of mobile users out of the box.  If you do not currently have a website you can completely build a custom website today at this link:

Read: Clarify Your Message: 7 Ways Your Website Guides Your Customers to Action

Brand Messaging: Donald Miller's StoryBrand Framework

What is Donald Miller’s StoryBrand? A StoryBrand is the central idea that drives everything you do. It’s a clear, single message about how your product or service will make your customers’ lives better.

One of the biggest struggles for entrepreneurs is crafting messaging that resonates with their audience. The good news is that you can use a framework to create better messages and influence your audience today with BrandYou.Website's The Digital Offer Sprint.

Messaging is any content, visual or written, that conveys the value, features, and benefits of a product or service.

It’s something people can understand in two seconds or less.  That’s all it takes for people to decide whether they want what you are offering.

Stories have been used for thousands of years to pass on history, to educate and entertain. Our brains use a “sense-making mechanism”; we search for a cohesive explanation to events that happen around us.  We look for causes, consequences, and logical connections between facts. 

Storytelling through Brand Messaging can help us understand the digital world more quickly by helping us find patterns with brand’s stories that we can connect with.

The Digital Offer Sprint guides you with your Brand Messaging while showing you how to find, focus on, and communicate your brand’s essence so that people instantly understand what makes you different and better than the other choices they have.

STEP TWO: Your Content Strategy

Assignment Selling: Marcus Sheridan's They Ask, You Answer Framework

Before diving into The Digital Offer Sprint, let me share why your Content Strategy is so important. Content aligns your sales and marketing efforts into a standardized Digital Strategy that is infinitely repeatable.

According to a recent study by Marketo, organizations with strong sales and marketing alignment experience roughly 70% higher conversion rates and over 200% more in revenue.

The Digital Offer Sprint is designed for leaders and marketing teams who want to drive more leads and revenue by aligning sales and marketing at every stage of the customer journey.

The Digital Offer Sprint will give you a step-by-step approach to creating a cohesive Digital Offer that helps build stronger relationships with your dream customers while increasing sales and revenue.

You'll find that most companies today are creating content for their website and social media channels in hopes of reaching out to new customers. 

But, creating content isn't just for digital channels anymore. You can create a variety of content assets like videos, webinars, white papers and eBooks to help drive engagement and sales conversions at every stage of the buyer's journey.

Read: How To Sell Anything To Anyone: Assignment Selling - Using Content to Close more Deals

How do you know what kind of content to create? 

The answer is simple: Answer every single one of your customer's questions.

The goal of any good content strategy is to meet your audience at their point-of-need with valuable information that will nudge them closer to becoming a customer. However, before you can achieve this goal, you have to know your customers intimately enough to understand what answers about your product or services they are asking about.

Assignment Selling is a sales process that puts content at the center of your lead generation, nurturing and qualification efforts.

To do this, you need a system that allows your sales team to create content and share it with potential customers, while also keeping track of which prospects have viewed the content and when. 

You accomplish this through what Marcus Sheridan, the author of They Ask, You Answer, calls Assignment Selling.

The goal of Assignment Selling is to educate buyers on your most compelling competitive differentiators before they ever contact you. This step helps you move past objections while also putting you in control of the conversation - your Brand Messaging - when you do speak with prospects.

Read: Assignment Prospecting: A Daily Step-by-Step Strategy to Grow Your Business

STEP THREE: Automate Your Systems

The Digital Offer Sprint creates custom-standardized content through Automation

By “custom-standardized” we mean we extract your business processes that are unique (or, custom) to how you run your organization.  And, from there deploy Marketing Automation strategies to deliver your content in a standardized Digital Strategy format.

Active Campaign defines Marketing Automation as “the means of employing technology to continuously execute your marketing strategy.”

The majority of your content should be focused on building trust. This means educating your audience about your products or services, sharing stories and insights that you've picked up from your experience, and organizing content around the questions your Dream Customers are asking.

With this framework in place, you are able to overcome objections early in the sales process. When you are educating your prospects about your product or service, you are also weeding out "bad-fit prospects" by overcoming objections up front. You have literally eliminated bad-fit prospects before you ever had the chance to make an in-person sales pitch to them if executed well. It makes the buying process smoother.

When buyers know what they're getting into — good and bad — they're more likely to purchase from you. And when they do, they're likely to tell their friends and colleagues about their positive experience.

Read: Sales and Marketing Content Guaranteed to Get Results: Videos That Always Drive Traffic, Leads, and Profit

Digital Offer Analytics: Measuring Your Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy is the process and methodology of planning, creating, and producing content. It is most effective when it is not only focused on developing, creating and delivering content, but also in measuring how to get that content hyper-targeted to your audience of Dream Customers.

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for what you should be measuring and tracking. But, there are some metrics that are essential for all businesses, including monthly unique visitors, page views, lead generation, cost per lead (CPL), cost per conversion (CPC), click through rate (CTR) and more.

This is where data collection comes into play. Your company needs to see Digital Strategy first and foremost as a permanent cultural change from the CEO down to the front line customer facing employee.

Metrics will help your company track their success on all the marketing and social channels they use, help them see what's working and what isn't and make adjustments accordingly.

Your main goal is to provide value to your customer in ways that are relevant to their interests by proactively answering questions about your products or services.  If you're doing it right, you'll see more signs of success than just vanity metrics like “likes”, “views” and “shares” on social media.

Read: Customer Segmentation: A Guide to Acquire, Convert and Retain Your Dream Customers

The Digital Offer Sprint is your secret weapon.

The Digital Offer is no longer just an idea or a theory.  It’s the standard for Digital Sales and Marketing buy-in for organizations that are serious about growing and scaling their business.

The Digital Offer Sprint is a proven, synthesized, practical framework that helps you figure out exactly how to make the most of your website, content marketing and standardized Digital Strategy. 

It will push you to think about your business in a way that you never have before — and it will change how you approach selling online forever.

If you are only marketing via Social Media (or even worse, through “word-of-mouth” advertising), you’re not marketing to your Dream Customers in the same innovative ways that your competitors are. 

If you are not leveraging technology to your organization’s advantage, or not thriving and growing in a pandemic; then you are not identifying and answering the questions that your Dream Customers are asking with your standardized Digital Strategy.

The problem is that business owners lose sight of the big picture when they’re so focused solely on Social Media. They have tunnel vision and they can’t see all the holes in their Digital Strategy, which means they are potentially leaving money on the table. 

To fix this, you need a standardized Digital Strategy to better evaluate your offerings and channels – and BrandYou.Website promises The Digital Offer Sprint will actually be easier than running multiple Social Media campaigns separately. The real key is to have all channels working together in alignment

The Digital Offer Sprint is what we use with all of our clients who want to run a successful operation across multiple channels and (of course) drive more sales, more traffic, and more leads.

The Digital Offer Sprint is a great way to quickly cycle through all of your marketing channels and see what is working, what isn't and how to improve on your overall strategy. It's easy to do, affordable, and could make a big difference in the performance of your business.

Need Help?

Our team would love to provide feedback on your online strategy! Schedule a strategy session with Brand You to see how we can help you bring your Digital Strategy to life in your campaign.